2023 Learn AAPI History Resource Contest
The 2023 Learn AAPI History Resource Contest will be judged by quality and quantity. Read all the different types of submissions and check out the rubrics before submitting!
By the Dec. 31 deadline (subject to change), contestants with the most points will be eligible for prizes ranging up to $1000. Over 30 prizes will be given.
If your AAPI History-related submission does not fall into any of these categories please feel free to select "other" in your submission form.
If you intend to submit multiple resources, please use the same name and email for both resource submission forms.
Any form of plagiarism or distribution of resources that you do not own will result in disqualification from the competition.
Please email learnaapihistory@gmail.com with any question or concerns.
Bite Sized Stories (500 pts)
Bite Sized Stories© are a Learn AAPI History invention dedicated to helping younger kids learn AAPI history. These are fully written and illustrated 10-12 page booklets that include language and art designed to reach younger children. The Bite Sized Stories© will have a total possible value of 500 pts. View scoring rubric.
Educational Videos (750 pts)
These educational videos will be targeted to all audiences and they must surround AAPI historical figures or events. All content must be self-created and appropriate for Learn AAPI History's official Youtube channel. These educational videos will have a total possible value of 500 pts.